As a business owner, no one needs to tell you about all the ways the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the norm. And even though we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, we can expect many of the protocols and routines implemented during the pandemic to remain in place for the foreseeable future.
If your company has been bringing employees back to your office, retail store, manufacturing facility, or warehouse, it’s essential that you maintain these practices, in order to keep everyone safe and thriving on the job. That’s why Project-Assistant has assembled these tips to help you do just that!
Clean and Disinfect Your Facilities
Let’s start with the most basic steps you can take to keep a safe work environment:
Regularly clean every surface you can see, especially the ones that are visibly dirty.
Use a disinfectant to frequently clean high-touch surfaces like keyboards, mice, phones, and doorknobs.
Replace or clean all the air filters in your facilities as needed.
Keep a list posted that tracks the date and time each area was last cleaned.
Involve Your Employees
Your employees play a critical role in ensuring the workplace stays safe and healthy. Here are some ways that you can encourage common sense behavior:
Encourage workers to remain six feet apart from one another at all times.
Recommended that workers wear a suitable face covering, particularly during times when physical distancing is not practical.
Remind your employees about the importance of washing their hands frequently throughout the day.
And of course, workers should know not to come into work if they think they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 (or any other illness).
Put Protocols in Place
Finally, here are a few other ways that you can keep your facilities clean and minimize the spread of the virus:
Screen employees as they arrive at the facilities. Check their temperature, confirm that they are not coughing or having trouble breathing, and look for other signs of illness like red cheeks or fatigue.
Install physical barriers in any areas needed, such as checkout counters and customer service desks.
Assemble a COVID-19 task force among your leadership that will respond to incidents related to the virus.
Revisit your work policies. Are your work hours conducive to the current climate, and are there any duties your employees could fulfill remotely?
If you are short-staffed and would like to moderate how many employees you have on-site, consider hiring freelancers who can work from home.
We live in strange times, but the “new normal” is becoming more routine by the day. As you bring workers back to your place of business, be sure to take any necessary precautions to keep everyone safe and healthy. Your company, workers, and customers will all benefit!
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